You can use the "Color Cells() message to change the cell color for specific cells. See the Scripting Index for definition and examples. Below is a simple script that covers your example data table
![example.PNG example.PNG](
Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt = New Table( "example",
Add Rows( 4 ),
New Column( "User", Character, "Nominal", Set Values( {"Amanda", "Jeff", "Kim", "Luke"} ) ),
New Column( "Ride", Character, "Nominal", Set Values( {"Rollarcoaster", "Rollarcoaster", "Water Slide", "Water Slide"} ) ),
New Column( "Height", Numeric, "Continuous", Format( "Best", 12 ), Set Values( [59, 68, 55, 66] ) ),
New Column( "Height Minimum", Numeric, "Continuous", Format( "Best", 12 ), Set Values( [60, 60, 65, 65] ) ),
New Column( "Height Maximum", Numeric, "Continuous", Format( "Best", 12 ), Set Values( [65, 65, 70, 70] ) )
for each row(
if(:Height Minimum <= :Height <= :Height Maximum,
dt:Height << color cells("Green", Row()),
:Height < :Height Minimum,
dt:Height << color cells("Blue", Row()),
dt:Height << color cells("Red", Row())