I try to capture all steps: (usually you would use a censor but it#s not required to show the options)
1. Just the time to event data

You have to select weibull from the compare distributions panel, then in the statistics section under Weibull the hotspot and select Fix Parameter (2nd picture). The 3rd picture shows the appearing report where you can set weibull alpha and beta.
2. With Failure information to see distributions for each failure cause.
This is as you described it. 
If you want to be able to fix the parameters in the individual failure cause distributions you have to set this optin already in the launch window (above picture). then you select weibull in the compare distribution panel, go to individual distributions of one of the failure causes and select there the Fix Parameter similar to the first option:
3. Competing Risk Mixture Option:
Heree you will not ahave the option to specify Fix Parameter for the weibull as it tries to find the weibull parameters depending on the mixture of the distributions you set in advance.
Hope this explains the different options.