@Craige_Hales for some reason I got it to work earlier today, then saved it and now it won't work anymore. Can you see my mistake? BITS.jsl and AUTH.jsl from your twitterpackage are also attached for reference.
Update, it was the blocksize, it is 64 for SHA265 I had assumed that is should be 265
SHA256 = Function( {txt},
{hash, rc, hexdata,temppath},
temppath = Save Text File( "$temp/deleteme.txt", txt );
If( Host is( "windows" ),
hash = RunProgram( executable( "certutil" ), options( "-hashfile "|| temppath|| " SHA256" ), readfunction( "text" ) ); // win jmp 11
//hash = RunProgram( executable( "certutil" ), options( {"-hashfile", temppath, "SHA1"} ), readfunction( "text" ) );
rc = Pat Match(
Pat Regex( "\[^.+?:\s+]\" ) + Pat Span( "0123456789abcdefABCDEF " ) >> hexdata + Pat Regex(
"\[\s*CertUtil: -hashfile command completed successfully.\s*$]\"
If( rc != 1,
Throw( "bad hash:" || hash )
hexdata = Regex( hexdata, " ", "", GLOBALREPLACE );
, // else MAC
hash = RunProgram( executable( "/usr/bin/openssl" ), options( {"dgst", "-sha1", temppath} ), readfunction( "text" ) );
hexdata =regex(hash,"=\s*([0-9a-fA-F]{40})\s*","\1");
if( length(hexdata) != 40, throw("bad hash:" || hash));
try(deleteFile("$temp/deleteme.txt"),show("did not delete temp file??"));
Return( Hex To Blob( hexdata ) );
HMACSHA256 = Function( {key, message},
{blocksize = 64}, // Where blocksize is that of the underlying hash function
Length( key ) > blocksize, // keys longer than blocksize are shortened
key = SHA256( key );
Length( key ) < blocksize, // keys shorter than blocksize are zero-padded
key = key || Matrix To Blob( J( (blocksize - Length( key )), 1, 0 ), "uint", 1, "big" )
o_key_pad = BITS:XORBLOB( Matrix To Blob( J( blocksize, 1, Hex To Number( "5c" ) ), "uint", 1, "big" ), key );
i_key_pad = BITS:XORBLOB( Matrix To Blob( J( blocksize, 1, Hex To Number( "36" ) ), "uint", 1, "big" ), key );
Return( SHA256( o_key_pad || SHA256( i_key_pad || message ) ) );
//from https://www.devglan.com/online-tools/hmac-sha256-online
if("090a613de1a32c513f5477019dbd395fe4c6727708e945277d6af6c5cf7a6778" != hex(HMACSHA256( Char To Blob( "dbc62ec300b2624c580611858d94f2332ac63" ), Char To Blob( "Why don't we test this" ) )), throw("hmac busted"));
I checked the certutil SHA256 function and that generates correct hashes. It seems that the HMACSHA256 or in the BITS functions that it calls, where it goes wrong.