Greeting JMP Community,
I am currently working with a dataset containing a linear responses (r2 ranges from 0.86 to 0.99) of contaminant load in terms of the age of 6 indivuals with sampling over their entire lifetime (lifespans ranging from 2 years to 30+). 4 of the 6 individuals resided in the same region. I plotted the distributions using Log(10), ln, and centered data but I am unable to get a normal distribution for either age or load. Is there a suggested transformation or test to determine if the slopes are statistically different between the 6 individuals and between regions?
I found a post by staff a member suggesting indicator-variable regression with interaction is used to compare slopes of multiple linear fits but I am unsure if this test works with non-normal data. Additonally, the slopes range from 3 to ~500 so I could not use ANCOVA as the slopes are not homogenous. I look forward to hearing from the community and would appreciate any help.