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How do I change font in Graph Builder "Overlay"?
I have searched and searched, but I have yet to find out how to change the font in the Graph Builder "overlay" - I would really like a larger bold font for communication purposes - can anyone direct me to the secret place of font changing in the overlay bar?
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Re: How do I change font in Graph Builder "Overlay"?
I am not sure this is what you are looking for. I am a little confused on what the "Overlay Bar" is, but below is a Graph Builder using the Big Class sample data table, with the column named "sex" used as an overlay. If one right clicks on the legend and selects "Legend Settings" there is a Font button that can be clicked on that will allow for the changing of the legend title's font
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Re: How do I change font in Graph Builder "Overlay"?
Ah - Sorry - it is in the "Group X" I need to change it - I did find the one in the "overlay"...
Is that possible?
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Re: How do I change font in Graph Builder "Overlay"?
Something similar was posted here...
Is says you can customize items by using the "Show Properties" feature.
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Re: How do I change font in Graph Builder "Overlay"?
The comfortable way:
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Re: How do I change font in Graph Builder "Overlay"?
This one was on the Wish List Prioritization List in the survey last year:
Font Table in Graph Builder to quickly change Font settings for all axes/fields
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Re: How do I change font in Graph Builder "Overlay"?
manually: via preferences / fonts / text font
[don't forget to set it back]
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Re: How do I change font in Graph Builder "Overlay"?
Ah - Sorry - it is in the "Group X" I need to change it - I did find the one in the "overlay"...
I s that possible?