Correct—the mean of a binomial random variable is n*p.
The W statistic you referred to, as shown in JMP documentation, is where R+ is the sum of the ranks for positive-signed pairs, and d0 is the # of tied pairs. The number of pairs, N=N++N-+d0, where N+, N- are the # of positive- and negative-signed pairs.
W is expected to be zero under the null hypothesis H0: median of a single population of paired differences is 0, assuming that the underlying population is symmetric. So, either a larger or a smaller than the expected R+ leads to a larger abs(W).
Back to your question, having a larger R+ doesn’t necessarily mean a smaller d0 since R+ is the sum of the ranks for positive-signed pairs, and d0 depends not only on N+, but also N-.
Mean of a binomial distribution represents the # of times W is expected to be zero under H0.