Thanks and Hello,
I guess I accidentally hit "solution", but actually this didn't work for me yet, but I'm not sure I have the syntax perfect. What I have pasted below is a selection of the script with your suggestion at the bottom. I've tried a few iterations of comma and semi-colon, etc...placement but I still don't get a file to export, just Graph Builder opening...Any other suggestions?!
{Min( 2009.5 ), Max( 2019.5 ), Inc( 1 ), Minor Ticks( 1 ),
Label Row( {Automatic Font Size( 0 ), Set Font Size( 10 )} )}
{Format( "Fixed Dec", Use thousands separator( 1 ), 15, 0 ), Max( 27000 ),
Label Row(
{Automatic Font Size( 0 ), Automatic Tick Marks( 0 ), Show Minor Ticks( 0 ),
Set Font Size( 10 )}
{Legend Model(
Properties( 0, {Fill Color(RGB color(255,255,0))} ),
Properties( 1, {Fill Color(RGB color(137,68,68))} ),
Properties( 2, {Fill Color(RGB color(255,115,223) )} ),
Properties( 3, {Fill Color(RGB color(0,77,168))} ),
Properties( 4, {Fill Color(RGB color(169,0,230))} ),
Properties( 5, {Fill Color(RGB color(56,168,0))} ),
Properties( 6, {Fill Color(RGB color(230,0,0))} ),
Properties( 7, {Fill Color(RGB color(255,170,0))} ),
Properties( 8, {Fill Color(RGB color(115,223,255))} ),
Properties( 9, {Fill Color(RGB color(156,156,156))} )
Dispatch( {}, "graph title", TextEditBox, {Set Font Size( 14 ), Set Text( "Chirikov" )} ),
Dispatch( {}, "X title", TextEditBox, {Set Font Size( 12 ), Set Text( "Year" )} ),
Dispatch( {}, "Y title", TextEditBox, {Set Font Size( 12 ), Set Text( "Abundance (#/m2)" )} )
(output << save picture ("P:\JMP\test.pdf"));