Hi All,
I'm using the following script for exporting some tables (here PANELISTE table) to a SAS library (here PIF).
conn = SAS Connect( "SASApp" );
SAS Submit( "libname PIF '\\PRSASA01\dro\AVAUCLAIR\TST';");
dt2 = Open Database("DSN=XPANEL;UID=user_id;PWD=01010101;APP=JMP;WSID=VUC0029;Network=DBMSSOCN",
SAS Export Data( dt2, "PIF", "PANELISTE", ReplaceExisting );
Close( dt2 );
this script works for some other tables but not for this one because of an encoding issue. There's a field in PANELISTE table that contains little arrows where there should be letters with accents.
I was thinking so to a workaround and using the following function:
SAS Send File("source", "dest", "encoding")
where "encoding" would be "latin1"
but I don't know what to put in "source" and "dest" arguments . Would someone be able to help me?
Is this function usefull in this case?
thanks a lot