@uday_guntupalli from your earlier post and this email string, I still am not sure what you are trying to do? Excel owns its format. I made a simple read from one xml related file and wrote to the file and saved the zipped file and when I opened it in Excel it said it was corrupted but when I selected the option to fix it, the Excel workbook contained my changed values. (Maybe I wrote to a formula cell??).
Are you trying to use a large Excel file as a database to read and write? are you trying to change formatting? What is the specific task including scope (size, task, udate in place, add rows, delete rows, etc.).
Below is a snippet from one XML file in a 3 sheet XLSX file craeted from Big Class.jmp, Iris.jmp, and Semiconductor Capability.jmp. This is the first sheet. Item to note teh dimension is A1:E41 since the first row is column names. Once you find the Tag sheetData, the data is organized by row and cell, not easy to replace a column. Also note the cells with strings have extra coding t =\!"s\!" denoting it is a string and the value is a number. If you need that string value you need to to lookup that string value in the file "xl/sharedStrings.xml". The reference numbering starts with 0. For this simple 3 sheet Excel file there are 490 unique strings, String 44 is "F" and 45 is "M" for gender.
If you are interested in reading and writing XML there is a secion in JSL Companion 2nd Edition and several scripts and examples. But For what I "tink" you are trying to do, I wouldn't do it with XML.
"<?xml version=\!"1.0\!" encoding=\!"UTF-8\!" standalone=\!"yes\!"?>
<worksheet xmlns=\!"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main\!"
xmlns:mc=\!"http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006\!" mc:Ignorable=\!"x14ac xr xr2 xr3\!"
<dimension ref=\!"A1:E41\!"/>
<sheetViews><sheetView tabSelected=\!"1\!" workbookViewId=\!"0\!"/></sheetViews>
<sheetFormatPr defaultRowHeight=\!"14.4\!" x14ac:dyDescent=\!"0.3\!"/>
<col min=\!"1\!" max=\!"1\!" width=\!"10.33203125\!" bestFit=\!"1\!" customWidth=\!"1\!"/>
<col min=\!"2\!" max=\!"2\!" width=\!"7.77734375\!" bestFit=\!"1\!" customWidth=\!"1\!"/>
<col min=\!"3\!" max=\!"3\!" width=\!"7.6640625\!" bestFit=\!"1\!" customWidth=\!"1\!"/>
<col min=\!"4\!" max=\!"4\!" width=\!"11\!" bestFit=\!"1\!" customWidth=\!"1\!"/>
<col min=\!"5\!" max=\!"5\!" width=\!"11.6640625\!" bestFit=\!"1\!" customWidth=\!"1\!"/>
<row r=\!"1\!" spans=\!"1:5\!" ht=\!"18.600000000000001\!" x14ac:dyDescent=\!"0.45\!">
<c r=\!"A1\!" s=\!"1\!" t=\!"s\!"><v>0</v></c>
<c r=\!"B1\!" s=\!"1\!" t=\!"s\!"><v>1</v></c>
<c r=\!"C1\!" s=\!"1\!" t=\!"s\!"><v>2</v></c>
<c r=\!"D1\!" s=\!"1\!" t=\!"s\!"><v>3</v></c>
<c r=\!"E1\!" s=\!"1\!" t=\!"s\!"><v>4</v></c>
<row r=\!"2\!" spans=\!"1:5\!" x14ac:dyDescent=\!"0.3\!">
<c r=\!"A2\!" t=\!"s\!"><v>5</v></c>
<c r=\!"B2\!"><v>12</v></c>
<c r=\!"C2\!" t=\!"s\!"><v>44</v></c>
<c r=\!"D2\!"><v>59</v></c>
<c r=\!"E2\!"><v>95</v></c>