I am trying to relearn JMP and the appropriate stats to use. I would really appreciate help trying to determine which analyses are most appropriate given the dataset. I have a dataset of whale sightings collected from aerial and vessel surveys with 3 different environmental covariates [distance from shore (km), depth (m), and Sea Surface Temperature (SST degrees C)].
I have attached the summary stats for the (1) covariates only and, (2) for the covariates X Species (‘common name short’).
Generally, the data are not normally distributed and heteroscedastic for at least distance from shore, and depth. Also variances are not homogenous therefore I expect nonparametric tests are the way to go.
The questions I am interested in are as follows:
(1) Is there a significant difference between species for three different variables?
--distance from shore
-- depth
(1a) Is there a seasonal effect of distribution based on the three variables above. (I.e. between winter, spring, summer, fall)?
(2) Is there a significant difference in group size between seasons?
(2b) Is there an effect of species on group size by season?
I would sincerely appreciate guidance as to what is the most appropriate analyses are given the data and how to properly report the results from the chosen tests. THANK YOU!!