Here is one way to produce that type of graph: use JSL to draw a couple of rectangles where you want them. To do this, you will need to know the left and right axis limits, or simply draw the rectangles with limits so wide you know they'll always be offscreen.
Read about the rect( ) function for more details, but basically what you need to do for each rectangle is pick a fill color, pick a transparency level, then draw the rectangle using the rect() function, which takes 4 arguments: (left, top, right, bottom). This needs to be wrapped in an << add graphics script() message and sent to the graph's framebox. Using the format in the script below is one way to do that.
I've attached a table with this script so you can experiment.
Graph Builder(
Size( 523, 454 ),
Show Control Panel( 0 ),
Variables( X( :RandN1 ), Y( :RandN2 ) ),
Elements( Line( X, Y, Legend( 4 ) ) ),
//extra script begins here
"Graph Builder",
{Add Graphics Script(
Description( "" ),
Fill Color( "blue" );
Transparency( .3 );
Rect( -2, 0, 0, -2, 1 );
Fill Color( "purple" );
Transparency( .3 );
Rect( 1, 2, 3, 0, 1 );
//extra script ends here