Hi @SDF1,
Thanks for the reference.
I might have something to start by reading old posts from the Community, using Hierarchical Clustering platform to get access to Matrix Distance :
A = Current Data Table() <<
Hierarchical Cluster(
Y( :X1, :X2, :X3, :X4 ),
Method( "Ward" ),
Standardize By( "Columns" ),
Dendrogram Scale( "Distance Scale" ),
Number of Clusters( 3 ),
Set Random Seed( 2088588291 ),
Dispatch( {"Dendrogram"}, "Clust Dendro", FrameBox,
{Frame Size( 35, 325 )}
A << Save Distance Matrix;
A << Close Window;
Then, I'm a bit lost on how to use the Distance Matrix to get the same informations as in the DOE Dialog from Space-Filling Designs : Minimum Distance, Nearest Points, MaxPro value and Discrepancy value.
I have tested using Multidimensional Scaling platform with the Distance Matrix generated previously and defining the number of dimensions as the number of original factors in my design ; I'm able to spot nearest points correctly, but the (minimum) distance seems off compared to calculations done in the DoE Dialog :

Any inputs from @Mark_Bailey, @Ryan_Lekivetz, and other JMP experts ?
EDIT: Using "Unstandardized" in the options of Hierarchical Clustering for the data format give me the right distances... I'm getting closer !
I can now compare designs depending on the min, mean, max distance values, and variability in the distances between points (range, StdDev/Variance, ...). Still no MaxPro calculations, but a better insight about distribution of points in Space-Filling designs.
Also using the platform Distributions and comparing the distributions of factors values to Uniform distributions (Beta with alpha and beta values set to 1) help me getting closer of this "discrepancy" values. There might be something to do with the p-values, log-likelihood, chi-square values that seem correlated to discrepancy :

"It is not unusual for a well-designed experiment to analyze itself" (Box, Hunter and Hunter)