I get this error in the log when I try to close and save the data table:
invalid argument in access or evaluation of 'Close' , Close/*###*/(dt, filePath || waferId || " Multivariate Correlations.txt")
My code works fine up until the last line (close function). It is outputting the data from the matrix box into a data table, so I don't understand why this function isn't working. Any ideas?
filePath = Pick Directory( "Where do you want to save?" );
nw = New Window( "",
V List Box(
Text Box( "Enter Wafer ID:" ),
Spacer Box( Size( 25, 25 ) ),
wafername = Text Edit Box( "<Wafer ID>", <<Justify Text( Center ) ),
Spacer Box( Size( 25, 25 ) ),
H List Box( Button Box( "OK", waferid = wafername << Get Text) )
table1 = Current Report();
tableName = table << Get Window Title;
If( tableName == "CP1 and CP2 Data - Multivariate",
datamatrix = table1["Correlations"][Matrix Box( 1 )];
dt = datamatrix << make into data table;
dt << Set Name( waferId || " Multivariate Correlations" );
Close( dt, filePath || waferId || " Multivariate Correlations.csv" );