The Distribution platform has a feature called Custom Quantiles. Not only will it give you any quantile you specify, it will also give you confidence intervals for it. So you can launch Distribution and your graphs X variable as the BY variable in Distribution. The broadcast the Custom Quantile command and then right-click on the result and choose Make Into Combined Data Table to get all the results into a new table. From there you can plot those in Graph Builder by putting the Upper and Lower columns into the Interval role.
Something like this should do it:
Open("$SAMPLE_DATA/" );
platform = Distribution(
Continuous Distribution(
Column( :Population ),
Custom Quantiles( 0.95, [0.5] )
By( :Year )
Wait( 0 );
Report( platform[1] )[Outline Box( "Population" )][Outline Box( "Custom Quantiles" )
][Outline Box( "Quantiles" )][Table Box( 1 )] << Make Combined Data Table;
Graph Builder(
Size( 564, 440 ),
Show Control Panel( 0 ),
X( :Year ),
Y( :Estimate ),
Interval( :Lower 95% ),
Interval( :Upper 95% )
Elements( Line( X, Y, Legend( 7 ) ) )