@txnelson @jthi could you please help me convert the list below into another list? I cannot replace " with \!" code easily. I was stuck here, thank you so much for your help.
factors = {"Kilometer (kg)"n, "Temperature (ÂșC)"n};
factors = {\!"Kilometer (kg)\!"n, \!"Temperature (ÂșC)\!"n};
The reason to convert the list because once I pick the items from factors and tried to combine with other string, the " and n disappeared, which caused trouble for my code. If I can have the second list, it won't have any problems.
for example:
factors = {"Kilometer (kg)"n, "Temperature (ÂșC)"n};
responses_sim = "";
values = {1.23,2.34};
for (i=1, i<=N Items(factors), i++,
responses_sim = responses_sim || factors[i] || "<< Add Random Noise(" || char(values[i]) || "),"
responses_sim = "Kilometer (kg)<< Add Random Noise(1.23),Temperature (ÂșC)<< Add Random Noise(2.34),";
I want to get this result below, how to do it?
responses_sim = "Kilometer (kg)"n << Add Random Noise(1.23), "Temperature (ÂșC)"n << Add Random Noise(2.34),"