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Graph Builder how do i make it detect the variables and insert them in?

Level I


        NX = 5; //NX NY are to specify the matrix indices for Graph builder
		NY = 5;
		If( Is Missing(colX1[i]), NX = NX - 1 );
		If( Is Missing(colX2[i]), NX = NX - 1 );
		If( Is Missing(colX3[i]), NX = NX - 1 );
		If( Is Missing(colX4[i]), NX = NX - 1 );
		If( Is Missing(colY1[i]), NY = NY - 1 );
		If( Is Missing(colY2[i]), NY = NY - 1 );
		If( Is Missing(colY3[i]), NY = NY - 1 );
		If( Is Missing(colY4[i]), NY = NY - 1 );
		x_vars = {}; // make empty list for x and y variables 
		y_vars = {};
		X = colX[i];
		X1 = colX1[i];
		X2 = colX2[i];
		X3 = colX3[i];
		X4 = colX4[i];
		Y = colY[i];
		Y1 = colY1[i];
		Y2 = colY2[i];
		Y3 = colY3[i];
		Y4 = colY4[i];
		If( !Is Missing(colX[i]), Insert Into( x_vars, X ) ); 
		If(	!Is Missing(colX1[i]), Insert Into( x_vars, X1) );
		If(	!Is Missing(colX2[i]),Insert Into( x_vars, X2) );
		If(	!Is Missing(colX3[i]), Insert Into( x_vars, X3) );
		If(	!Is Missing(colX4[i]), Insert Into( x_vars, X4) ); 

		If( !Is Missing(colY[i]), Insert Into( y_vars, Y) ); 
		If(	!Is Missing(colY1[i]), Insert Into( y_vars, Y1) );
		If(	!Is Missing(colY2[i]), Insert Into( y_vars, Y2) );
		If(	!Is Missing(colY3[i]), Insert Into( y_vars, Y3) );
		If(	!Is Missing(colY4[i]), Insert Into( y_vars, Y4) );  

		GB = Current Data Table() << Graph Builder(
			Size( 621, 472 ),
			// the for loops is used together with the NX and NY part from above
			For( i = 1, i <= NX, i++,
				For( j = 1, j <= NY , j++,
					If( i == 1 & j == 1,
							Position( i, j ),
							Points( X, Y, Legend( 67 ) ),
							Smoother( X, Y, Legend( 68 ) )
							Position( i, j ),
							Points( X, Y, Legend( 68 + (i - 1) * 5 + (j - 2) ) ),
							Smoother( X, Y, Legend( 69 + (i - 1) * 5 + (j - 2) ) )
					{Label Row( {Show Major Grid( 1 ), Show Minor Grid( 1 )} )}

Hi all, how can script it in such a way that it detects which of my variables is not empty and adds it in the X( ) and Y( ) of Variables shown below. 

What i have now is shown above where it will detect which is not missing and add it to a list then from that list try to add it into variables shown below how do i continue? 


thanks for reading 






Re: Graph Builder how do i make it detect the variables and insert them in?

Hi @Dyan ,

Is the following graphic what you want to create? If so, here is a sample script.


x_vars = "";
y_vars = "";
xlist = {X, X1, X2, X3, X4} = Eval List( {colX[i], colX1[i], colX2[i], colX3[i], colX4[i]} );
ylist = {Y, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4} = Eval List( {colY[i], colY1[i], colY2[i], colY3[i], colY4[i]} );

For( x_i = 1, x_i <= N Items( xlist ), x_i++,
	If( !Is Empty( xlist[x_i] ),
		x_vars = x_vars || "X(" || Char( Eval Expr( xlist[x_i] ) ) || "),"

For( y_i = 1, y_i <= N Items( ylist ), y_i++,
	If( !Is Empty( ylist[y_i] ),
		y_vars = y_vars || "Y(" || Char( Eval Expr( ylist[y_i] ) ) || "),"
Show( x_vars );
Show( y_vars );

		Eval Insert( "\[GB = Current Data Table() << Graph Builder(
				Size( 621, 472 ),
				Variables(  ^x_vars^  ^y_vars^  ), 		
	;]\" )

The following discussion page refers to a similar question. 

You can also learn about expressions on the page below. 

I hope it helps.