Hi Jim,
I've tried Column Dialog and it certainly offers the option to manipulate columns. However, I was hoping to implement that option in the context of 'new window'.
In order to better guide the user through their options, I've split the columns into 3 panels. I only want to offer the option to transform columns in Panel 2. i
I don't think 'column dialog' would offer me the flexibility to split the columns in multiple selection panels.
Any suggestion to be able to invoke the same right click menu in the context of 'new window' as for 'column dialog'.
Below is a simplified version of the script I've put together
Clear Log();
Names Default To Here( 1 );
dy = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Fitness.jmp" );;
ls = dy << get name();
Show( ls );
Varls = dy << get column names( continuous );
Show( Varls );
c = "Run";
col = dy << get column names( string );
Show( col );
TPMls = {};
nc = N Items( col );
For( i = 1, i <= nc, i++,
If( Contains( col[i], c ),
Show( col[i] );
Insert Into( TPMls, col[i] );
Show( TPMls );
catls = {"Name","Sex"};
nc = N Col( dy );
lbWidth = 200;
pdwidth = 400;
stop_flag = 0;
Border Box( Left( 10 ), top( 2 ), Right( 10 ),
V List Box(
V List Box(
Panel Box( "Purpose of analysis platform",
Text Box(
"Perform ....
set wrap( 800 )
Panel Box( "Panel 1",
Lineup Box( N Col( 3 ), spacing( 5 ),
colListTPM = Col List Box(
width( pdWidth ),
<<append( TPMls ),
nLines( Min( nc, 2 ) ),
<<set analysis type( "continuous" )
Button Box( "TPM",
TPM << Append( colListTPM << GetSelected )
TPM = Col List Box(
width( lbWidth ),
nLines( 1 ),
Minitems( 1 ),
Maxitems( 1 ),
Panel Box(
"Panel 2",
text box("Suggest ...", set wrap (800)),
Lineup Box( N Col( 3 ), spacing( 5 ),
V List Box(
var = Col List Box(
width( pdWidth ),
<<append( varls ),
nLines( Min( nc, 5 ) )
Button Box( "Variable",
Varl << Append( var << GetSelected )
Varl = Col List Box(
width( lbWidth ),
nLines( 1 ),
Minitems( 1 ),
Maxitems( 1 )
Panel Box(
"Panel 3",
Lineup Box( N Col( 3 ), spacing( 5 ),
cat = Col List Box(
width( pdWidth ),
<<append( catls ),
nLines( Min( nc, 5 ) ),
<<set analysis type( "nominal" )
Button Box( "By", catl << Append( cat << GetSelected ) ),
catl = Col List Box(
width( lbWidth ),
nLines( 2 ),
Minitems( 1 ),
Maxitems( 2 ),
Panel Box( "Action",
Lineup Box( N Col( 3 ), spacing( 5 ),
ex = Button Box( "Go" ),
Button Box( "Cancel",
Resplg << Close Window;
Button Box( "Remove column",
catl << RemoveSelected;
TPM << RemoveSelected;
varl << Remove selected;
ex << set script(show("hello"))