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Enable button box after pressing enter at a Number edit box

Level III

I have the following window:


What I am trying to do is to enable the 'Select data to import' button after pressing enter at the Number Edit window above.

docId = "xxxxxx";
WidthDescripWin = 500;
init_value =31;

win = New Window("Landing page for study evaluation add-in",
	<<On close(EndAddin()),
	<< Padding( {Left( 10 ), Top( 10 ), Right( 10 ), Bottom( 10 )} ),

	// Construction of landing page. From here data is imported and analysis initiated
	H Center Box(promptTitle = Text Box("Compat study evaluation")),
	Spacer Box(Size(10,10)),
	//H Center Box(promptV = Text Box("Add-in version: " || substitute(char(format(addin_version, "Fixed Dec", 1)),",","."))),
	H Center Box(promptV = Text Box("Add-in version: 0.2" )),
	H Center Box(promptDoc = Text Box("Documentation report: " || char(docId))),
	Spacer Box(Size(10,10)),
	Panel Box("Description of Add-in:",
		Text Box("This add-in has been created to ease and standardize the statistical analysis of data coming from" || 
			" compatibility studies. The general structure of compatiblity studies is an comparison of parameter developments" || 
			" for samples impacted by a given influence of interest and corresponding reference samples.", <<set width(WidthDescripWin))
	Spacer Box(Size(10,10)),
	Panel Box( "Data selection for analysis. Please follow the instructions:",
		Text Box("The data file is expected to be a standard pull from *****. Thus the file should have a sheet named" ||
				" Details. \!N   \!NPlease follow the instructions\!N1) Please input the row number containing the column names"||
				" and press Enter.\!N2)Once the button 'Select data to import' is enabled, click on it and select your dataset." ||
				" \!N3) Click 'Run analysis' to continue", <<set width(WidthDescripWin)
		Spacer Box(Size(10,10)),
        H Center Box(Lineup Box( NCol(2),
			Text Box("Enter the Row Number of the Column Names"),
                    row_no = Number Edit Box(init_value, << Set Function(Function({this}, init_value = this << get; enter_row_start();)));
        Spacer Box(Size(10,10)),
		H Center Box( 
            H List Box(
			    bboxImp = button box( "Select data to import", importData()), // Importing data
			    Spacer Box(Size(10,10)),
			    bboxRe = button box( "Remove imported data", importRedo()), // Allow for reimport data
	Spacer Box(Size(10,10)),
	H Center Box( 
        H List Box(
		    bboxAn = button box("Run analysis", compatStudyEval()), // Perform analysis
		    Spacer Box(Size(10,10)),
		    bboxEnd = button box("End analysis", endAddin()) // Close landing page for add-in

// Change font in landing page window
promptTitle << Font("Times New Roman", 14, "Bold");
promptV << Font("Times New Roman", 10, "Bold");
promptDoc << Font("Times New Roman", 10, "Bold");

bboxRe << enable(0);
bboxAn << enable(0);
bboxImp << enable(0);

// ----------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------

enter_row_start = Function({},
	bboxImp << enable(1);

the way that I am trying to do that without success is using the following piece of code:

where the enter_row_start() function just has the enable command.



Is it possible to do that?
what am I doing wrong?



Re: Enable button box after pressing enter at a Number edit box

Include this expression in the function you defined for the number column box.

bboxImp << Enable( 1 );
Super User

Re: Enable button box after pressing enter at a Number edit box

I believe that Mark was referring to the "Number Edit Box" not a "Number Column Box".


Re: Enable button box after pressing enter at a Number edit box

You are on the right track. You just need to check the value of the number edit box as part of the function. Here is a simple example that you can apply to your script. The function below will also disable the button if the number edit box goes back to a missing value.

names default to here( 1 );

nw = new window( "Test Window",
	panel box( "Instructions",
		text box( "1. Input number \!r2. Press Enter \!r3. Press Run Analysis" )
	panel box( "Data Entry",
		h list box( 
			text box( "enter a number and hit Enter on your keyboard" ),
			NEB = number edit box( ., << set function( 
				function( { thisBox }, 
						!is missing( thisBox << get ), bb1 << enable(1),
						is missing( thisBox << get ), bb1 << enable(0)
	panel box( "Actions", 
		h list box( 
			bb1 = button box( "Run Analysis" ),
			button box( "End Analysis" )

bb1 << enable( 0 )