I have the following variability chart and I am implementing that by Parameter
nebs = {};
For Each({pChoice}, parameterChoice,
lub << append(Text Box(pChoice));
lub << append(neb = Number Edit Box(42));
Insert Into(nebs, neb);
vals = nebs << get;
varchart = Variability Chart(
Y( :Value),
X( :Time Point, :Storage Condition, :Level ),
Std Dev Chart( 0 ),
By( :Parameter ),
{"Variability Chart for Value"},
"Variability Chart",
{Row Legend(
Color( 1 ),
Color Theme( "JMP Default" ),
Marker( 0 ),
Marker Theme( "" ),
Continuous Scale( 0 ),
Reverse Scale( 0 ),
Excluded Rows( 0 )
Then, some lines below in the script I add reference lines in each chart using:
obs = varchart << XPath("//OutlineBox[contains(text(), 'Variability Chart for')]");
count = 0;
For Each({ob}, obs,
count = count + 1;
Report( varchart[count] )[AxisBox(1)] << Add Ref Line(vals[count], "Dotted", Red, "AC", 2);
But some Reference lines can not be observed in the chart because of the scaling of the y axis.
Is it possible to change the scaling for each parameter in this loop so that the max of the y axis range is the maximum between the reference line value or the maximum value of the parameter plus 0.1