Here is a very simplistic version of a script that will take your example data table, cast a spline fit through each experiment's data points, and then will allow you to draw the lines from experiment 2(blue) to experiment 1(purple), and then across again to experiment 2.
Run the script, and then enter a value into the "Exter X value" input box, and then Click on the "create line"
button. This is a very primitive script, and will only work for X values from about 2.5 to 4. However, it will give you an idea on how you can build what you want.
Names Default To Here( 1 );
// Create the sample data table
dt = New Table( "Sample",
Add Rows( 13 ),
New Column( "Experiment",
Set Values(
{"exp1", "exp1", "exp1", "exp1", "exp2", "exp2", "exp2", "exp2", "exp3", "exp3", "exp3", "exp3", ""}
New Column( "V",
Format( "Best", 12 ),
Set Values( [0.55, 0.65, 0.85, 1.1, 0.55, 0.65, 0.85, 1.1, 0.55, 0.65, 0.85, 1.1, .] )
New Column( "X-axis",
Format( "Best", 12 ),
Set Values( [2.16, 2.79, 3.66, 4.19, 2.47, 3.13, 4.15, 4.72, 2.35, 2.95, 3.88, 4.36, 3] )
New Column( "Y-axis",
Format( "Best", 12 ),
Set Values( [1.183, 2.12, 5.28, 11.2, 1.03, 1.85, 4.54, 9.25, 1.07, 1.93, 4.88, 9.74, .] )
nw = New Window( "Draw Lines",
hlb = H List Box(
// Generate the graph with the curves
Biv = dt << Bivariate( Y( :Name( "Y-axis" ) ), X( :Name( "X-axis" ) ) ),
V List Box(
Spacer Box( size( 1, 30 ) ),
H List Box( tbMain = Text Box( "Enter X value" ), neb = Number Edit Box() ),
Button Box( "Create Line",
start = neb << get;
// Create a list to hold the starting x,y pair
List1a = {};
List1a[1] = start;
// Find the Y value on experiment 2
fit2Y = Spline Eval( start, fitMat2 );
list1a[2] = fit2y;
// Create a list to hold the second x,y pair
list1b = {};
list1b[1] = start;
fit1Y = Spline Eval( start, fitMat1 );
list1b[2] = fit1Y;
// Create a list to hold the third x,y pair, which
// is the same as the second x,y pair
list2a = list1b;
// Create the 4th x,y pair
// to find the final X value, an iteration of the
// experiment 2 spline has to be done until it
// is larger than the experiment 1 Y value
list2b = {};
count = 0;
While( fit2Y < fit1Y | count > 300,
fit2Y = Spline Eval( start + (.01 * count), fitMat2 );
// set the final x,y values
list2b[1] = start + (.01 * count);
list2b[2] = fit1Y;
// Draw the lines
Report( biv )[FrameBox( 1 )] << add graphics script(
Pen Color( "red" );
Pen Size( 2 );
Line( list1a, list1b );
Line( list2a, list2b );
// add the spline fits and get the prediction matricies for each spline
biv << Fit Where( :Experiment == "exp1", Fit Spline( 0.001, {Line Color( "Purple" ), save coefficients} ) );
fitMat1 = Current Data Table() << get as matrix;
Close( Current Data Table(), nosave );
biv << Fit Where( :Experiment == "exp2", Fit Spline( 0.001, {Line Color( "Medium Dark Blue" ), save coefficients} ) );
fitMat2 = Current Data Table() << get as matrix;
Close( Current Data Table(), nosave );
biv << Fit Where(
:Experiment == "exp3",
Fit Spline( 0.001, {Line Color( "Medium Dark Green" ), save coefficients} )
fitMat3 = Current Data Table() << get as matrix;
Close( Current Data Table(), nosave );