When making a Normal Quantile Plot (Analyze -> Fit Y by X and turn on "Plot Quantile by Actual"), there are a few small numbers on the right-hand-side axis opposite from the quantile (cumulative probability) amounts that are on the left-hand axis. I'd like to find out what the right-hand axis represents. It looks like 0 on the right side seems to line up with the .5 quantile (median). The right-hand axis usually displays values +/- 0.67, 1.28, 1.64, and 2.33. Does the right-hand axis indicate the standard deviation from the median? Is there a constant one-to-one formula between the quantile amounts and this other axis?
The same is observed when you do "Plot Actual by Quantile" which is shown in the JMP "Basic Analysis" book page 198 (Figure 6.29, Example of a Normal Quantile Plot), in which the quantiles are on the bottom axis and these "other" numbers are on the top.

Also, when you do a Distribution plot (Analyze -> Distribution), the quantile amounts are on the outside right axis, and these other numbers are on the inside right axis.
Besides knowing the theory behind what this other axis is, I was wondering if JMP provides an option to turn the display of it off in any of these chart types, so that you would only see the "actuals" axis and the quantiles axis for the Normal Quantile Plot?