Thank you very much for that.... It was the combination of everything that i had tried to make it work...
Mr. @txnelson help create this great Function( that i am using in my Application and it's pretty much straight forward but when i saved this to the script window I see some extra stuff, Fit Where(. It is pretty static to what the current data table has a rowcol... How would you change it so it automatically does it on a new table?
Y( :ycol ),
X( :xcol ),
Show Points( 0 ),
// the following information will be different for each product / test
Fit Where(
:RowCol == "r1c5sr0sc0",
Fit Each Value( {Report( 0 ), Line Color( {212, 73, 88} ), Report( 0 )} )
Fit Where(
:RowCol == "r1c5sr1sc0",
Fit Each Value( {Report( 0 ), Line Color( {61, 174, 70} ), Report( 0 )} )
Fit Where(
:RowCol == "r4c1sr0sc0",
Fit Each Value( {Report( 0 ), Line Color( {66, 112, 221} ), Report( 0 )} )
Fit Where(
:RowCol == "r4c1sr1sc0",
Fit Each Value( {Report( 0 ), Line Color( {204, 121, 41} ), Report( 0 )} )
Fit Where(
:RowCol == "r4c6sr0sc0",
Fit Each Value( {Report( 0 ), Line Color( {40, 182, 143} ), Report( 0 )} )
Fit Where(
:RowCol == "r4c6sr1sc0",
Fit Each Value( {Report( 0 ), Line Color( {162, 43, 221} ), Report( 0 )} )
Fit Where(
:RowCol == "r5c8sr0sc0",
Fit Each Value( {Report( 0 ), Line Color( {196, 189, 43} ), Report( 0 )} )
Fit Where(
:RowCol == "r5c8sr1sc0",
Fit Each Value( {Report( 0 ), Line Color( {39, 174, 174} ), Report( 0 )} )
Fit Where(
:RowCol == "r8c5sr0sc0",
Fit Each Value( {Report( 0 ), Line Color( {197, 41, 201} ), Report( 0 )} )
Fit Where(
:RowCol == "r8c5sr1sc0",
Fit Each Value( {Report( 0 ), Line Color( {142, 176, 40} ), Report( 0 )} )
Report( gb )[Framebox( 1 )] << Frame Size( 848, 755 ), << Marker Drawing Mode( "Normal" );
Report( gb )[Framebox( 1 )] << Row Legend( RowCol, Color( 1 ), Color Theme( "JMP Default" ) );
Report( gb )[Framebox( 1 )] << Row Legend( Marker( 0 ), Marker Theme( "" ), Continuous Scale( 0 ), Reverse Scale( 0 ), Excluded Rows( 0 ) );