There are some cases where DisplayBox Subscripting like
current report()["Summary Statistics"]
gives surprising results. Which information is accessed via the string?
In this example,
JMP doesn't find the first Local Data Filter -- maybe: because it's title is changed to "LDF"?
JMP finds the first summary statistics - although it's title is changed to "statistics".

I first noticed this behavior with a Graph Builder outline box. JMP finds it even when the title is changed.
At the time, I thought JMP was looking for the @helpKey - and that is why it can still find it.
But Summary Statistics (in the example here) doesn't have a helpKey.
So JMP finds something that is not visible to the user.
And it won't find it if it's a local data filter...
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big" );
New Window( "test",
V Splitter Box(
Continuous Distribution(
Column( :height )
Local Data Filter(Title( "LDF" ) ),
Local Data Filter,
Dispatch( {}, "Distributions", OutlineBox, {Set Title( "hello" )} ),
Dispatch( {"height"}, "Summary Statistics", OutlineBox,
{Set Title( "statistics" )}
Continuous Distribution(
Column( :height )
Local Data Filter( )
current report()["Local Data Filter"] << select();
//current report()["Distributions"] << select();
current report()["Summary Statistics"] << select();