I am using JMP Pro 17.2 and have compiled a JMP journal and would like the data table embedded. I used the Copy Table Script option as detailed in the Help menu: https://www.jmp.com/support/help/en/18.0/index.shtml#page/jmp/manage-links-in-shared-journals.shtml
I have set the table script to run in the journal through a Script Button by pasting the table script in the Set Script option for the button. The data table regenerates but I had one formula column to calculate a variable (HOMA_IR) and then a binning formula column based on the calculated column which are not recreated using the Table Script. If I double click the column headers, the Column Properties show "Formula" and the correct formulas are listed.

I could just send the original data table with the journal file but can anyone suggest a way to get the formula and binning formula to reproduce correctly with the table script? I have attached a truncated data table and journal file as an example.
Thank you for any help,