I see this already has a few solutions but since you used Fibonacci numbers you got my attention
Here is another formula that operates on the strings directly (assuming they are stored in columns named string1 and string2, respectively) by converting them to matrices, adding the matrices, and converting the result back to a string.
Substitute( Char( Parse( "[" || Substitute( :string1, ";", "," ) || "]" ) + Parse( "[" || Substitute( :string2, ";", "," ) || "]" ) ),
"[", "",
"]", "",
",", ";",
" ", ""
Also, I'm not sure whether it is feasible for you to use comma separators instead of semicolons, but if this is done, the formula becomes a little simpler.
Substitute( Char( Eval( Parse( Eval Insert( "[^:string1^] + [^:string2^]" ) ) ) ),
"[", "",
"]", "",
" ", ""