You could convert the numeric column to character and then concat the two columns to get list of comparison strings. Then use that list to select wanted rows (or use associative arrays). Don't have example dataset so here is some sort of an example:
Names Default To Here(1);
dt = New Table("Untitled 22",
Add Rows(5),
Compress File When Saved(1),
New Column("CHART_ID",
Set Values({"123", "1", "12", "0", "135"})
New Column("RECIPE",
Set Values({"A", "A", "B", "B", "C"})
New Column("pval",
Format("Best", 12),
Set Values([0.1, 0.001, 0.051, 0.002, 0.1])
pVals = Loc(dt:pval << get as matrix > 0.05); //get rows over 0.05
comparisonStrings = {};
For(i = 1, i <= N Items(pVals), i++,
Insert Into(comparisonStrings, char(dt:CHART_ID[pVals[i]]) || dt:RECIPE[pVals[i]]);
dt << Select Where(Contains(comparisonStrings, char(:CHART_ID)||:RECIPE));
dt << clear select;
aa = Associative Array(Eval List(dt:CHART_ID[pVals]), EvalList(dt:RECIPE[pVals]));
dt << Select Where(Contains(aa, :CHART_ID) & aa[:CHART_ID] == :RECIPE);
Use Scripting Index to get better understanding about what is going on(and for debugging if needed).