There seems to be few different bugs/weird interactions which are making this more difficult than I thought and because of that the code is very messy, but it seems to work on some level
Names Default To Here(1);
get_reports_for_datatable = function({dt}, {Default Local},
valid_reports = {};
// This might need improvements
report_windows = Get Window List(Type("Reports"));
For Each({report_window}, report_windows,
cur_analytic_layer = report_window[OutlineBox(1)] << Get Scriptable Object;
cur_dt = cur_analytic_layer << Get Data Table;
If(cur_dt == dt,
Insert Into(valid_reports, cur_analytic_layer);
// I would use function, but there seem to be some bugs
swap_report_columns = Expr(
nw_switcher = New Window("Switcher", << Window View("Invisible"),
vlb2 = V List Box(
ref_colswitcher2 = dt << Column Switcher(Expr(NameExpr(AsColumn(dt, old_col))),
{Expr(NameExpr(AsColumn(dt, old_col))), Expr(NameExpr(AsColumn(dt, new_col)))}
Batch Interactive(1);
For Each({report, idx}, report_list,
//report = report_list[2]
nw1 = New Window("", << Window View("Invisible"),
ref_colswitcher1 = dt << Column Switcher(Expr(NameExpr(AsColumn(dt, old_col))),
{Expr(NameExpr(AsColumn(dt, old_col))), Expr(NameExpr(AsColumn(dt, new_col)))}
lc = Log Capture(ref_colswitcher1 << Link Platform(report));
ref_colswitcher1 << Remove Column Switcher;
nw1 << Close Window;
If(Is Missing(lc),
Log Capture(
Try(ref_colswitcher2 << Link Platform(report));
Batch Interactive(0);
Try(vlb2[ListBoxBox(1)] << Set Selected(2));
ref_colswitcher2 << Remove Column Switcher;
nw_switcher << Close Window;
swap_columns = Expr(
nw = New Window("Swap report columns", << Type("Launcher"),
window:dt = Current Data Table(),
H List Box(
Lineup Box(N Col(2),
Panel Box("Select Column to Change",
fcs1 = Filter Col Selector(dt, << Set Max Selected(1))
Panel Box("Select New Column",
fcs2 = Filter Col Selector(dt, << Set Max Selected(1))
Panel Box("Action",
Button Box("Change Columns",
report_list = get_reports_for_datatable(dt);
old_col = (fcs1 << get selected)[1];
new_col = (fcs2 << get selected)[1];
Button Box("Cancel",
fcs1 << close window;
dt = Open("$SAMPLE_DATA/");
dt << Clear Row States;
dist = dt << Distribution(Continuous Distribution(Column(:DELL_RPNBR)));
dist2 = dt << Distribution(Continuous Distribution(Column(:DELW_M1)));
gb1 = dt << Graph Builder(
Size(528, 448),
Show Control Panel(0),
Variables(X(:Site), Y(:Lot ID)),
Elements(Points(X, Y, Legend(3)))
gb2 = dt << Graph Builder(
Size(523, 454),
Show Control Panel(0),
Variables(X(:DELW_M1), Y(:DELL_RPNBR)),
Elements(Points(X, Y, Legend(3)))