If you want this information you could get it this way:
// Define a function: Given a table reference, makes a window with the required information
dataAndModelingType =
Function({dat}, {Default Local},
cols = dt << getColumnNames("String");
na = {};
dt = {};
mt = {};
for(c=1, c<=NItems(cols), c++,
InsertInto(na, Column(dat, cols[c]) << getName);
InsertInto(dt, Column(dat, cols[c]) << getDataType);
InsertInto(mt, Column(dat, cols[c]) << getModelingType);
NewWindow("Data and Modeling Types in "||(dat << getName),
PanelBox("Column Info",
StringColBox("Column Name", na),
StringColBox("Data Type", dt),
StringColBox("Modeling Type", mt)
// Try it out
dt = Open("$SAMPLE_DATA/Semiconductor Capability.jmp");
This could probably be appended to the 'Column Info' dialog but would be more work.
So, as I said, the answer does depend on what information you want, how you want it displayed and (possibly) what you want to use it for next.