Fascinating, learned something I didn't expect:
c = "Ώ"; // the test character
table = [=> ]; // build the complete lookup table 1..FFFF
For( i = 1, i <= 65535, i += 1,
code = Hex( i, "integer", padto( 4 ) ); // 0001 ... FFFF
char = Blob To Char( Matrix To Blob( J( 1, 1, i ), "uint", 2, "little" ), "utf-16le" );
If( !(table << Contains( char )),
table[char] = {}; // make a list to hold extra codes for the same character
Insert Into( table[char], code ); // add character to the list
lookup = table[c]; // get the codes for the test character
For( i = 1, i <= N Items( lookup ), i += 1,
// I don't know anything about this site, but it does retrieve the two characters 4jun2024
Web( "https://www.compart.com/en/unicode/U+" || lookup[i] ); // open a web page for each character in the list
That's a brute force solution, but I'm not sure how else to do it! @hecht_jmp
Two different Unicode characters are the same code point.