Clustered bar chart - standard error bars disappear
Sep 22, 2022 03:27 PM
| Last Modified: Jun 11, 2023 4:27 AM(2793 views)
I'm not sure what's going on with my dataset, but I can see standard error bars on my graph when I just have the averages plotted against the flour type. The standard error bars disappear when I then add the timepoint ordinal variable in. Do I need to separate the 3 timepoints into separate columns in the dataset, or is there something else that's going wrong? Thanks!
Ah... didn't notice you had three "different" y-axis. I'm not exactly sure how JMP will calculate them in that case when you combine them like that. You could first try stacking the data by those R1-R3 columns and try to plot again.
This makes sense, however, I have 2-3 data points for almost every code in Flour+Timepoint (the R1/R2/R3 columns). I'm having a hard time getting JMP to calculate the average and put it into a single bar. Could this be my issue with lumping them altogether into one variable (the average of the 3 columns)?
Ah... didn't notice you had three "different" y-axis. I'm not exactly sure how JMP will calculate them in that case when you combine them like that. You could first try stacking the data by those R1-R3 columns and try to plot again.