Hi @Nicoletti29 ,
i am not sure about how to control for the distance (within subject effect) when doing a non parametric.
the non parametric tests are all available in the fit y by x platform. if there were very few categories of distance you could use it as a by variable or interact it with the treatment to produce one factor with all the combination of categories. In this case, i think the distance is more a continuous variable with many categories.
furthermore, i wonder if the missing observations impact the measurement itself. if there is any dependency between the number of measurements and the results than this makes things even more complicated and i would think you need to introduce another within factor - measurement number. in the past i was dealing with animal data where each measurement by itself would impact the following one. this would happen since the animal was getting used to the person performing the measurement and it would improve over time just by taking more measurements. Therefore, the missing observations also had less opportunity to improve their measurement by acclimatizing to the operator.