JMP is great is implementing new features, but it is always frustrating when you need something now. There is a method to meet your needs, but it might require learning a little scripting, seeing the pattern to modify the script provided below. The attached script includes two examples.
A JMP display box, called a LineUpBox, is the object that allows reorganizing the layout for the Distribution report. So until GraphBuilder has the feature Jeff Perkinson suggested you request, you can do this with a script. Below is a screen shot of a 5 column layout for the SATByYear.jmp data table witha GraphBuilder plot for each state.
You might have to try different sizes to meet your needs when you change the layout, the number of columns ncol().

The script opens a table, and then New Window() creates a report. Then there is a LineupBox() wrappper with a GraphBuilder using the By option instead of Page. I added a couple waits to the script so you can see one layout and then send a message to change the layout. I hope this will help meet your needs until it is built-in.
Eaxmple #1 Script, picture not shown
//Example #1
dt1 = Open( "$Sample_Data/Cholesterol Stacked.jmp" );
dt1 << Color by Column(:Treatment);
New Window( "Custom Layout",
lub1 = Lineup Box( N Col( 2 ),
gb1 = dt1 << Graph Builder(
By( :Treatment ),
Size( 614, 480 ),
Show Control Panel( 0 ),
Variables( X( :Month ), Y( :Y ), Group Y( :Name( "AM/PM" ) )),
Elements( Points( X, Y), Line( X, Y, ) )
) //end lineup box
); //end new window
lub1 << ncol(3); // new layout 3 columns
gb1 << size(447,480); //resize
Example #2 script, picture shown above.
//Example #2
dt2 = Open("$sample_Data/SATByYear.jmp");
New Window( "Custom Layout - SAT Example",
lub2 = Lineup Box( N Col( 5 ),
gb2 = dt2 << Graph Builder(
By( :State ),
Size( 333, 250 ),
Show Control Panel( 0 ),
Show Legend(0),
Variables( X( :Year ), Y( :SAT Verbal ), Y( :SAT Math) ),
Position( 1, 1 ),
Points( X, Y),
Line( X, Y, )
Position( 1, 2 ),
Points( X, Y),
Line( X, Y, )
) //end lineup box
); //end new window
gb2 << Size(266,200);