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Can JMP show the probability of 1 result or range through a graph?
Nov 6, 2023 07:57 PM(13172 views)
Hello everyone!!!, a question: What graph in JMP can answer the probabilities of obtaining a value or range of response, for example like the following graph.
Re: Can JMP show the probability of 1 result or range through a graph?
Nov 12, 2023 02:49 AM
| Last Modified: Nov 12, 2023 1:17 AM(4252 views)
| Posted in reply to message from hogi 11-12-2023
Then what you need is just a Local Data Filter - and a Filter Change Handler that updates the results in the probabilities panel. The advantage: With the Data Filter it doesn't matter how many questions you will ask - just add as many selections as you want and the corresponding probabilities will show up automatically:
This code isn't good enough for me to turn it into an add-in (it would require at least one partial rewrite for me to consider it adequate), especially because I won't be updating it. If you wish to make it into an adding using Add-In Manager is the best option.
The script has been added as .zip file because it contains multiple files which must be in specific folders. After unpacking it
you should be able to open and run probability_calculator.jsl
Re: Can JMP show the probability of 1 result or range through a graph?
Nov 12, 2023 07:45 AM
| Last Modified: Nov 12, 2023 10:37 PM(4234 views)
| Posted in reply to message from hogi 11-12-2023
Here is an alternative implementation which also allows "combined" filter conditions (A and B and C ...).
For this case it makes sense to enable the Conditional(1) setting - then additional filters will only show values that are within the range of the first filters.
In addition, one can create several filter "groups". Click on OR and a filter group N+1 is generated with the corresponding probability value.
with the current version of Jmp, Conditional(1) and filter groups via OR are not compatible So, if you want to compare different selection groups, you have to do this without the Conditional(1) feature. here is a wish to fix this problem: data filters: more flexible use of the conditional flag
The possibilities to adjust the graph are more restricted than in GraphBuilder: - selected values are indicated via the semitransparent blue region, which looks nice. On the other hand, it's not possible to switch "different colors for selected/unselected" - the default number of bins in a data filter is 10, just giving a rough idea of the actual distribution. Number of Bins can be adjusted via the red triangle menu:
I don't know any easy way to do exactly what your example shows, but you can of course construct it manually using the quantiles from the Distribution platform. That platform also has an option to display the cdf, so that automatically shows the cumulative probabilities throughout the range. You can also add reference lines at any particular value you are interested in, and select rows less than that value and that part of the histogram will be highlighted. But beyond that I'm not aware of an automatic mechanism to produce your example. Perhaps someone else does or perhaps someone can write a script to do that.
I'm glad to greet you, JMP seems like a great software to me and I think someone can achieve it.
Regarding your question: Do you want the empirical result or one based on a model? Which JMP plot do you want to augment with this capability?
1. The simulation result could generate a bar graph for each objective with the option of entering a value and knowing its % probability or entering a range and knowing its % probability or entering a % probability and knowing the probable value or enter a probable % range and know the probable value range. 2. It should be based on a model, if possible in the Prediction Profiler
To some extent the profiler already does what you suggest. If your Y variable is nominal, the profiler will show the estimated probability for whatever set of X variables you choose. If you change the X variables, the estimated probability will adjust. If you are looking for a display that automatically builds a table showing probabilities as functions of X or a histogram (such as you displayed) that has you enter a value and has the area adjust, I believe that either requires someone to script that or you might suggest that as a wish for further development.
I think the Design Space Profiler may be helpful for what you intend to do. Based on Monte-Carlo simulations, and if you provide some specifications (Lower and/or Upper Specification Limits), the Design Space Profiler will calculate and display the in-spec rate, based on specific inputs ranges.
Interesting idea, but I'm not finding the Design Space Profiler. I ran a Fit model with a nominal Y variable and one continuous X variable and there is only the Profiler option at the red arrow and the red arrow for the Profiler does not list Design Space Profiler as an option (not even grayed out). Where do I find it?