In JMP 14, you could right click on the values in the output to obtain bootstrap confidence intervals. However, in JMP 15, this no longer appears to be an option. Does anyone know if JMP removed the bootstrap option completely or if they moved it to some other location?
Here's my "about":
It looks the same as yours. I don't see a difference.
Look at the bold line right below the blue banner, mine says "JMP (R) Pro 15.2.1", and yours says "JMP (R) 15.2.1". I would email JMP Support.
Oh i see that.
Strange that my university offers a JMP "Pro" Windows and Mac version. I installed the MAC version which does have "Pro" mentioned in the "about" and the bootstrap does work.
But, the Windows version does not have "Pro" mentioned. Maybe I should mention the differences to the IT at the university and see if they can contact JMP about it.
Just to clarify so there is no way to do bootstrap forests in JMP?
is there any way i can get a license renewal for JMP pro?
Your best bet is to contact JMP sales staff to see what your options are.
- If you have JMP Pro, you can easily find bootstrap forest under menu "Analyze", and then "Predictive modeling" : Bootstrap Forest.
- If you have JMP, the only way to perform a bootstrap forest is though the use of the "Predictor screening" platform. It won't give you all the details (accuracy metrics of the model, visualizations, profiler...) and flexibility of the "Bootstrap Forest" platform (customization of the number of trees, of split conditions, ...), but you'll have access to the contribution of your factors depending on your response.
It might be a good option to consider if you want to challenge results coming from a decision tree if you don't have access to JMP Pro.