Here is a script that collects RSquare (U) and Kappa from all combinations of your binary columns:
Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt# = Current Data Table();
If( Is Empty( dt# ),
Throw( "Data table missing" )
// user choices.
dlg# = Column Dialog(
Title( "Binary Agreement" ),
yCol# = Col List( "Binary Columns",
Min Col( 2 )
"Select columns for agreement"
// check if user decides to quit.
If( dlg#["Button"] == -1,
Throw( "User cancelled" );
// process information returned from dialog.
Remove From( dlg# ); Eval List( dlg# );
n cols# = N Items( yCol# );
r sqr u# = agree# = Identity( n cols# );
measure# = List();
For( col1# = 1, col1# < n cols#, col1#++,
Insert Into( measure#, yCol#[col1#] << Get Name);
For( col2# = 2, col2# <= n cols#, col2#++,
ct# = dt# << Contingency(
Y( yCol#[col1#] ),
X( yCol#[col2#] ),
Contingency Table( 0 ),
Mosaic Plot( 0 ),
Tests( 1 ),
Agreement Statistic( 1 ),
ctr# = ct# << Report;
r sqr u#[col1#,col2#] = r sqr u#[col2#,col1#] = ctr#["Tests"][TableBox(1)][NumberColBox(4)][1];
agree#[col1#,col2#] = agree#[col2#,col1#] = ctr#["Kappa Coefficient"][TableBox(1)][NumberColBox(1)][1];
ct# << Close Window;
Insert Into( measure#, yCol#[col1#] << Get Name );
New Window( "Binary Agreement",
Outline Box( "RSquare (U)",
tb1 = Table Box(
String Col Box( "Measure", measure# )
Outline Box( "Kappa Coefficient",
tb2 = Table Box(
String Col Box( "Measure", measure# )
For( col# = 1, col# <= n cols#, col#++,
tb1 << Append(
Number Col Box( measure#[col#], r sqr u#[0,col#], << Set Format( 7, 4 ) )
tb2 << Append(
Number Col Box( measure#[col#], agree#[0,col#], << Set Format( 7, 4 ) )