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Level II

Add reference line to Y-group axis


I am using graph builder (JMP 17) and have almost what I need. But I need to add a reference line. 


This first image ('example') is what I currently have (I need all 3 viruses in 1 graph with lines and dots for the rates for both years). 


BUT, I need to add a reference line for each virus so that it looks like 'example with ref line' (below).



I don't know if it is possible. But essentially, I am trying to get a reference line to show up for each one my y-groups. I can use JSL if someone has something that will work using scripts. 

Super User

Re: Add reference line to Y-group axis

Based on what is the reference line plotted from? How does your data look like?

Level II

Re: Add reference line to Y-group axis

The blue and red lines are my data, but I want to add in a CDC line (which is only available for the year and not monthly like my data) as the green line. 

Super User

Re: Add reference line to Y-group axis

Depending on how your data is formatted, you might be able to add it as a separate line graph or you could add reference lines through scripting.

Level II

Re: Add reference line to Y-group axis

I don't want it as a separate line graph. I just don't know how to do the script for it. 

Super User

Re: Add reference line to Y-group axis

Is there a specific reason for not wanting separate line graph?

Level II

Re: Add reference line to Y-group axis

It isn't really a line graph if there is only 1 data point (from the CDC). We just need it as a reference, not part of the actual data. 

Super User

Re: Add reference line to Y-group axis

You can go the complicated way of using graphic script

Names Default To Here(1); 

dt = open("$SAMPLE_DATA/Big");

gb = dt << Graph Builder(
	Variables(X(:weight), Y(:height), Group Y(:sex)),
	Elements(Points(X, Y, Legend(11)))

fbs = Report(gb) << XPath("//FrameBox");
lines = {60, 65};

For Each({fb, idx}, fbs,
		fb << Add Graphics Script(
			H Line(Expr(lines[idx]));

or easier option of adding new chart

Names Default To Here(1); 

dt = open("$SAMPLE_DATA/Big");

dt << New Column("Line", Numeric, Continuous, << Set Each Value(
	If(:sex == "M", 65, 60)

gb = dt << Graph Builder(
	Size(567, 523),
	Show Control Panel(0),
	Variables(X(:weight), Y(:height), Y(:Line, Position(1)), Group Y(:sex)),
	Elements(Points(X, Y(1), Legend(8)), Line(Y(2), Legend(10)))
Super User

Re: Add reference line to Y-group axis

You can add the horizontal line in Graph Builder.  Double-click on the Y axis and put a value in to the reference line section.






Level II

Re: Add reference line to Y-group axis

But I need to do this for the Y-Group, not the Y-Axis.