When working with JMP, you need to think in terms of variables. Your plot shows a variable called Cycle on the X-axis. It has a variable called dRn on the y-axis. So, I will need those two columns. I also see different wells and conditions, so those will be other variables that should be in the table. Each variable gets a column.
To get the data into the right format, I stacked all of your Cycle columns into a single column which I just called Cycle. I then stripped off only the number from that character string to create a column called Cycle Number. From your picture, it also looks like you wanted different lines for each Well and Condition combination. So, I created that column. The resulting data table is attached.
The graph is made from Graph Builder. Drag Cycle Number to the X-axis, dRn to the y-axis, and the Well&Condition column to the overlay.
Dan Obermiller