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Wish list - new Label: user experience

☑ NO cool new feature

☑ could help many Jmp users (!!!)

☑ removes bugs (!!!)

☐ just cosmetics / nice to have

☐ nobody needs it


What inspired this wish list request? 


In the wish list, a user can suggest new features and improvements related to 


A long list of all the fields where Jmp is strong.

I miss a Label like User Experience or JMP GUI.


What is the improvement you would like to see? 

In the community, please add a Label User Experience or JMP GUI.


Why is this idea important? 

Besides WHATs, sometimes it's also the HOW that counts. A better HOW can be as important as a new WHAT.

With the new label, one can provide a home for these kinds of topics.


more wishes from hogi_0-1712787137119.png

Level XI

@Ryan_Gilmore , any chance to add such a label?

Community Manager
Status changed to: Not Planned For Now

Hi @hogi,


Our systems are aligned around the capabilities of the Analytic Workflow.  The capabilities allow us to view the requests as a collective. Most user experience/UI requests could be categorized into one or more of the capabilities.


So, for now, I'm not inclined to add it but will be mindful of the request. Thanks.

Level XI


In the future, the focus may shift a bit from functionality to user experience:


With the cool new Python integration in Jmp18 by @Paul_Nelson , users no longer have to request features ... and hope 2-3 years that they will get implemented.
They can write their own AddIn to get the functionality from Python - even without a pro version:


On the other hand: User Experience
Other tools focus a lot on user experience - with harmonized dialog windows, consistent menus, no "hidden" secrets.
Often almost too much: fancy transitions, user-friendly designs, dashboards with a lot of graphics and little information -- maybe to compensate for a lack of functionality?
To make the user experience of Jmp state of the art, there should be no inconsistencies, no bugs, no unexpected behavior ...

Unexpected? - not only for experienced users, but also for new users right from the start. a more intuitive JMP.


We discussed this yesterday at an internal JMP meeting:
If I have to invest 3-5 hours for every colleague to show him/her the trapdoors in JMP - is this "as designed"?

How cool would it be if there were no trapdoors anymore - or at least: a warning sign in front of each trapdoor - or a nicely visible detour sign.


Where to put the warning and detour signs?
a) Ask some colleagues to create a user experience workstream - and let them find the trapdoors.

b)  Just ask your users! , collect the answers and tag them: user experience


I agree: a special tag?
It is not fancy, it it no a must.

But it could be useful, helpful - and it would not hurt.