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  • JMP importing change since 18 upgrade

    My scripts that I made before using the "Open" command is JSL is now way too slow. My script takes 12 minutes to execute now. How should I import excel sheets now or please fix this but in JMP  I used to import my excel files using this code below but it takes too long: Open( "/Z:/Shared/R&D/Runsheet.xlsx", Worksheets( {"Thickness"} ), Use for all sheets( 1 ), Concatenate Worksheets( 1 ), Create C...

    StandardOtter60 StandardOtter60
    Discussions |
    Jan 7, 2025 5:57 AM
    1286 浏览量 | 6 回复
  • Response Surface Design with continous factors and one categorical factor

    Hello Fellow JMPers' I am trying to find the optimum manufacturing parameters using the RSM approach. My design has 5 responses and 5 factors ( 4 continuous and 1 categorical).  I tried using the DOE- Classical- Response Surface Design; but when I get to inputting the factors, it seems the factors can only be continuous? I was using the CCD design. I am not sure how I can navigate this. When I go ...

    Incr_ch22 Incr_ch22
    Discussions |
    Jan 7, 2025 5:29 AM
    4044 浏览量 | 10 回复
  • One or more Validation column

    In the attached JMP file, I built three separate regression models for each response variable weight, turning circle and horsepower with three separate validation columns (Training set = 70%, Validation set = 15%, Training set= 15%).Is it necessary to create validation column for each response variable to build regression models or one validation column with any one response variable is enough?

    madhu madhu
    Discussions |
    Jan 7, 2025 4:25 AM
    319 浏览量 | 2 回复
  • Understanding the prediction graph

    How to understand and what are all information we need to take it from the attached Actual vs Predicted graph as attached here

    Sankaramuthu Sankaramuthu
    Discussions |
    Jan 7, 2025 12:21 AM
    640 浏览量 | 2 回复
  • Curve fitting and Parallelism

    Hi,I was wondering if there is a platform in JMP17 that helps with 4PL or 5PL curve fitting (for bioassay). I'm looking for a step-by-step guideline as I've never done relative potency analysis with JMP in the past.Thank you

    DFereidouni DFereidouni
    Discussions |
    Jan 6, 2025 7:17 PM
    1219 浏览量 | 3 回复


  • JMP importing change since 18 upgrade

    My scripts that I made before using the "Open" command is JSL is now way too slow. My script takes 12 minutes to execute now. How should I import excel sheets now or please fix this but in JMP  I used to import my excel files using this code below but it takes too long: Open( "/Z:/Shared/R&D/Runsheet.xlsx", Worksheets( {"Thickness"} ), Use for all sheets( 1 ), Concatenate Worksheets( 1 ), Create C...

    StandardOtter60 StandardOtter60
    Discussions |
    Jan 7, 2025 5:57 AM
    1286 浏览量 | 6 回复
  • Response Surface Design with continous factors and one categorical factor

    Hello Fellow JMPers' I am trying to find the optimum manufacturing parameters using the RSM approach. My design has 5 responses and 5 factors ( 4 continuous and 1 categorical).  I tried using the DOE- Classical- Response Surface Design; but when I get to inputting the factors, it seems the factors can only be continuous? I was using the CCD design. I am not sure how I can navigate this. When I go ...

    Incr_ch22 Incr_ch22
    Discussions |
    Jan 7, 2025 5:29 AM
    4044 浏览量 | 10 回复
  • Curve fitting and Parallelism

    Hi,I was wondering if there is a platform in JMP17 that helps with 4PL or 5PL curve fitting (for bioassay). I'm looking for a step-by-step guideline as I've never done relative potency analysis with JMP in the past.Thank you

    DFereidouni DFereidouni
    Discussions |
    Jan 6, 2025 7:17 PM
    1219 浏览量 | 3 回复
  • Is JMP accessible with a screen reader like JAWS or NVDA?

    I've searched the website but have not been able to find any information about the accessibility features of this software. Can a student use JAWS or NVDA screen reading technology with it? We have a blind student enrolled in a class that uses this software. Thanks in advance for any insight you can offer. If there is a link on this site that describes accessibility features, please share it with ...

    aylessr aylessr
    Discussions |
    Jan 6, 2025 1:03 PM
    324 浏览量 | 1 回复
  • problème avec un graphique

    bonjour, j'ai une base de données qui commence en octobre 2024, jusqu'à janvier 2025. j'ai ce graphique joint. existe-t-il une astuce pour ne pas avoir les mois sans résultats? cordialement

    Françoise Françoise
    Discussions |
    Jan 6, 2025 10:59 AM
    290 浏览量 | 2 回复


  • A custom function evaluates the return value

    fyi While debugging @replace Head, I noticed that a custom function evaluates the return values +1x compared to a standard function:myFunction = function({}, return(Expr(3*5))); add custom functions (newcustom function("my custom", "function", function({}, return(Expr(3*5))))); Show(myfunction()); Show(my custom:function())so maybe add another Expr() ...add custom functions (newcustom function("m...

    hogi hogi
    Discussions |
    Jan 3, 2025 2:05 PM
    258 浏览量 | 0 回复
  • ods output "DIFFS" in proc mixed

    Hi everyone,for my proc mixed I already got a table with Least-Squares Means, ods output "lsmeans".Additionally, I would like to have a table for the differences, ods output “DIFFS”.Can anyone tell me how to get to this output in the current jmp version (18.1.0)?Thanks in advance for your support.

    lvierbaum lvierbaum
    Discussions |
    Dec 12, 2024 5:32 AM
    354 浏览量 | 0 回复
  • Sample size for Reliability Life Test

    I have used the interval explorer for parametric reliability life test planning for sample size calculation of accelerated life test. Please can someone confirm if the sample size returned is the total sample size or sample size per stress levels? Assuming I have 3 temperature levels, do I use 75 samples per temperature level or 25?

    EngrAkin EngrAkin
    Discussions |
    Dec 11, 2024 7:11 AM
    302 浏览量 | 0 回复
  • Optimizing Enterprise Server Connections in JMP Live

    Hello JMP Community,I’ve recently started using JMP Live to share and collaborate on statistical analyses with my team, and I’m encountering some challenges managing connections to our enterprise server. Our organization uses a centralized server to store and process data, and while the integration with JMP Live is robust, we’ve experienced occasional delays when syncing large datasets or during s...

    Harry_Cmary Harry_Cmary
    Discussions |
    Dec 9, 2024 10:03 PM
    299 浏览量 | 0 回复
  • Pressure Test Method Results have a significant effect on my sample size and capability, how to avoid?

    Hello dear JMP community I will first explain the test method (no need to comment on whether it is right or wrong because this is what I got). The purpose is to detect a leakage.

    Measurement processPart is mounted to a pressure stationPressure station rotate a vacuum pump x times to create a vacuum (atmospheric pressure is approx. 1000mbar)Pressure p1 is sampled at time t1After 15 seconds p2 is sam...

    qLienceStats qLienceStats
    Discussions |
    Dec 5, 2024 11:58 PM
    287 浏览量 | 0 回复