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  • Deleting "Where" text box with JSL

    Hi,While running script with "where" function, a text box is added to report.What is the way to delete it?Is there some way to "not create" it instead of delete it? Because if I run Data Filter changes, the text box may come back.Thanks,Tom. dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big" );
    dt << Distribution(Continuous Distribution(Column( :height )),Where( :sex == "F" ));

    tom_abramov tom_abramov
    Discussions |
    Feb 13, 2020 10:53 AM
    4362 views | 4 replies
  • Sign in with Google temporarily disabled for this app

    Hi, I tried to set up the connection to google in order to be able to access google sheets. When try it I get an error message "Sign in with Google temporarily disabled for this app". It has worked before on another computer (and with that computer I'm still connected). According to an internet search I found that google did some changes and that there are actions required from the app owners:"Goo...

    Ole Ole
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    Feb 13, 2020 3:05 AM
    7819 views | 3 replies
  • How to find VIFs in a Nominal Logistic Regression? Using JMP Pro 14

    I've tried right-clicking in the table of parameter estimates and adding as a column, but the option is not there. I also tried Help -- Statistics Index -- multicollinearity -- launch. Is there anything else I could try? Thanks!

    cwr41 cwr41
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    Feb 13, 2020 2:19 AM
    2463 views | 2 replies
  • ANCOVA with 1 continuous X and 2 categorical X variables

    I am trying to run an ANCOVA on a dataset with a continuous Y variable (streamflow) and a continuous X variable (Precipitation), additionally I have two categorical variables "Period" (A and B) and "Station" (1, 2, 3, 4, and 5). My goal is to explore the relation between streamflow and precipitation within each period - comparing the slopes of those relations across stations, and then compare the ...

    RVhydrA RVhydrA
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    Feb 12, 2020 7:47 AM
    2712 views | 3 replies

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  • Calling Windows API ImageViewer.dll to display JPG files.

    I am working with a very large database of image files and want to be able to display the file for the user for visual inspection from a script. I have been able to get the following code to load the DLL but get an error requesting a signature argument. Does anyone know how to get a signature string from the system to pass to the DLL.   ERROR MESSAGE FORM LOG: Second argument to CallDLL must be a ...

    DMeakin1 DMeakin1
    Discussions |
    Jan 17, 2020 10:19 AM
    1496 views | 0 replies
  • Running script from command line on MAC

    Not a mac person.  Does anyone know how to run a jsl script from command line on a mac?  I specifically mean WITHOUT "//!" at the top of it.     I have this but it only opens the file unless I have the "//!" open -g -W -a /Applications/JMP\ Pro\ $(pwd)/myscript.jsl

    vince_faller vince_faller
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    Jan 10, 2020 2:26 PM
    1333 views | 0 replies
  • how to add confounding variable

    I am working with a multi level data. Data is attached.In this dataset, I have 8- X variable: cumulative risk (continuous), all other risk (dichotomous). 3- Y variables: insurance and practice (dichotomous) and time (continuous)I have one confounding variable Age (continuous). I will have to add random effect to X variable. But I am confused how to add confounding variable to this analysis. Can an...

    billi billi
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    Jan 6, 2020 9:39 AM
    1300 views | 0 replies
  • Difference between std error in "Parameter Estimates" and "Least Squares Means Table"?

    I am running mixed effects models and have noticed that the standard error for an effect in the "Parameter Estimates" table is different from the standard error reported in the Least Squares Means table for the same effect. How are they calculated differently? Thanks! 

    Ranae Ranae
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    Nov 26, 2019 11:44 AM
    1409 views | 0 replies
  • How can I run a .py python script and python scripts compiled as .exe from JMP

    Hello,  So I've written a JMP UI, and once I gather data from the user I have a button that dumps the form data to a CSV.Now I need to launch my python script and other .exe  (as an administrator), my python scripts pick up the user input from the CSV and perform the next steps.Right now it's a .py but I may need to run it through py2exe and compile it into an exe later so a solution that supports...

    xxvvcczz xxvvcczz
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    Oct 30, 2019 6:44 PM
    1659 views | 0 replies
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