Change order of x-values in bar chart
I am struggling to change the order of the x-axis values of my bar chart. How should I do this?
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view all learning resourcesI am struggling to change the order of the x-axis values of my bar chart. How should I do this?
While working on a big script, I noticed some interesting behavior regarding expressions. Consider the following piece of jsl code: // Create a namespace for cleanliness
ns = New Namespace("ns");
// Make an example data table dt
ns:dt = New Table("window",
New Column("a", set values([1,2,3])),
New Column("b", set values([1,4,9]))
// 1. Make an expression gr_exp1 containing the graph
Hello everyone, Sometimes while I run the automated JSL I get the following warning: "The new stacked table will be very large. ... Do you wish to proceed?" The annoying part is that it interrupts the scripts, and I have to manually press Continue. Is there a way to suppress this kind of warnings so they do not pop out? Thank you everyone.
Hey JMP Commuity!I'm trying to find a way to get the grand mean that's shown on a variability chart to show to either a whole number or to one decimal place. I've tried formatting column properties as I've read this is related to the displayed mean (tried multiple options but mainly precision) but no luck!I've also read about the rounding function, but my understanding is this only works when you ...
I have a time Colum in a odd format ( do not even have Year in and need help converting to a simply YY/MM/DD HH:MMThanks tong Time[08/06-19:07:34.981][08/06-19:08:05.927][08/06-19:08:14.270][08/06-19:08:26.331]
I am struggling to change the order of the x-axis values of my bar chart. How should I do this?
Hello everyone, Sometimes while I run the automated JSL I get the following warning: "The new stacked table will be very large. ... Do you wish to proceed?" The annoying part is that it interrupts the scripts, and I have to manually press Continue. Is there a way to suppress this kind of warnings so they do not pop out? Thank you everyone.
Hey JMP Commuity!I'm trying to find a way to get the grand mean that's shown on a variability chart to show to either a whole number or to one decimal place. I've tried formatting column properties as I've read this is related to the displayed mean (tried multiple options but mainly precision) but no luck!I've also read about the rounding function, but my understanding is this only works when you ...
I have a time Colum in a odd format ( do not even have Year in and need help converting to a simply YY/MM/DD HH:MMThanks tong Time[08/06-19:07:34.981][08/06-19:08:05.927][08/06-19:08:14.270][08/06-19:08:26.331]
How do I calculate Cp/Cpk or Pp/Ppk for attribute data using JMP?
Could you provided me some example, file,with example of ALT, two faftors, for example temerature and humidity. Please
I used "File"-->Database-->Open table-->New connection to setup some tables from DB. but I found my list for new connections becomes longer and longer. like the attached pic. I did not found there is a way that i can remove any items from the connection list. the question is that is there a way that i can delete them. Thanks in advanced. KRSean
Hello JMP-Community,I am searching your help here because I didn't found a sufficent solution for myself in other posts. It is about writing content of a data table into a table of a database.For that I wrote this little function: myInsertInto = function({dt, dbConnection, destinationName},
cols = dt << GetColumnNames(String);
rows = dt << Select All Rows << GetSelectedRows;
show(cols, rows);
Typical dataset: 120-200 rows, 15 classes. Rows are known to be ordered by class. What is unknown is where the 'fences' between classes are. As-is -- i.e., without taking row order into account -- LCA correctly classifies about 94% of rows. My intuition is that if I knew how to tell the algorithm that the rows are grouped by class on input, we'd be at 100%. Visual, in case my use of 'grouped by' i...
Hi there,
I am attempting to run latin hyper cube with three continuous and one categorical factors, but the option is not available except for fast flexible filing design; can anyone assist me with this? thanks in advance
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