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Reply All: Scientific notation such as 6.02×10²³ using custom axis formats

A recent wishlist item asked for a number format which was a version of scientific notation using superscript exponentiation instead of the computerese "e" separators for powers of 10. In other words, 3.4 × 10⁵ instead of 3.4e+5. Since superscripted digits are available as Unicode characters, it's possible to write such numbers as regular text, without the need for explicit superscripting. And that means we can get such numbers on an axis with a custom label format.

Graph axes have long supported custom label formats, which are JSL expressions that can produce arbitrary axis labels. Here's an example that adds "°F" to the y-axis labels.


I made it by picking Custom as the Format in the Axis Settings dialog.


And then clicking "Custom Format" to bring up a version of the Formula Editor to create this simple formula.


The formula for scientific is more complicated but still fits within the framework. I created this formula, which starts with JMP's regular scientific notation and then replaces the exponent's digits with the corresponding superscripted characters.

Local( {supers = "⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹", d, parts},
	parts = Words( Format( value, "Scientific", width, dec ), "e" ); // split on e
	Substitute Into( parts[2], "+", "", "-", "⁻" ); // ignore +, superscript -
	For( d = 0, d <= 9, d++, // superscript each digit
		Substitute Into( parts[2], Char( d ), Substr( supers, d + 1, 1 ))
	if (value == 0, "0", parts[1] || " × 10" || parts[2]); // add x10 unless 0

Here's a graph using that format.



Finally, here's the entire script for the graph, with the custom format as a part of the axis customizations and data filter to just show the top states.

Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Corn Wheat Soybean" );
Graph Builder(
	Transform Column(
		"Maximum[Commodity Acres Planted][State,Commodity]",
		Formula( Col Maximum( :Commodity Acres Planted, :State, :Commodity ) )
	Size( 658, 487 ),
	Show Control Panel( 0 ),
		X( :Year ),
		Y( :Commodity Acres Planted ),
		Group X( :Commodity ),
		Overlay( :State )
	Elements( Points( X, Y, Legend( 35 ) ), Smoother( X, Y, Legend( 36 ) ) ),
	Local Data Filter(
		Add Filter(
			columns( :"Maximum[Commodity Acres Planted][State,Commodity]"n ),
				:"Maximum[Commodity Acres Planted][State,Commodity]"n >= 4658000
		Dispatch( {}, "Year", ScaleBox,
			{Min( 1999.5 ), Max( 2017.5 ), Inc( 10 ), Minor Ticks( 1 )}
		Dispatch( {}, "Commodity Acres Planted", ScaleBox,
		{Format( "Custom",
				Local( {supers = "⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹", d, parts},
					parts = Words( Format( value, "Scientific", width, dec ), "e" );
					Substitute Into( parts[2], "+", "", "-", "⁻" );
					For( d = 0, d <= 9, d++,
						Substitute Into( parts[2], Char( d ), Substr( supers, d + 1, 1 ))
					if (value == 0, "0", parts[1] || " × 10" || parts[2]);
		), Min( 0 ), Max( 15.5e6 ), Inc( 5e6 ), Minor Ticks( 4 )}


Level II


Thank you for the explanations.

With the help of the forum, I obtained this presentation to my Anova graphic.


I used this formula:puissance2.JPG

But as you have shown, I would like to remove the "^" and have the last number in the exponent. But I do not understand, as I am a JMP beginner, how to implement your superscript. Could you explain it to me step by step?

Thanks in advance

Best reagrds


@Emmerich38 The whole reason to separate the parts is to make the second part out of the superscripted version of the characters. That’s basically what this is doing.  So, your statement while simpler, doesn’t fit easily into the current paradigm of superscripting in JMP. JMP can replace with the superscript equivalent character (in Unicode format) but it’s not doing the superscript like a word-processing software like MS-Word would do. Fortunately, in JMP 18, JMP should display the scientific notion format the way you want (with the checkbox option 'Unicode Superscripts' under the Scale group in Y Axis Settings) so there shouldn’t be any need to do any of this with custom JSL.  I hope that helps!
