Hi @Ressel, I'm not sure where @jpol has found the palette or if the has built it himself from somewhere like Coloring for Colorblindness (davidmathlogic.com) (seems like very nice page for building color palettes). This might work (just built it):
Add Color Theme({"IBM", 2051,
{{100, 143, 255},
{120, 94, 240},
{220, 38, 127},
{254, 97, 0},
{255, 176, 0},
Missing({64, 176, 166})}
I personally like Cividis which I found from jmp community: https://community.jmp.com/t5/Discussions/colorblind-safe-palette-JMP-13/m-p/55181/highlight/true#M31...

And from time to time I use something like this Seaborn-Inspired Modern Styling
You can use JSL to set the color preference or you can use preferences menu
