☐ cool new feature
☐ could help many users!
☐ removes a „bug“
☑ nice to have
☐ nobody needs it
What inspired this wish list request?
When reshape the appearance of existing report, the Horizontal 0/1 option helps a lot:
The horizontal option is not only available for ListBoxes, but also for oher DisplayBoxes, e.g. ColumnSwitcherContextBoxes.
Do I want the Column Switcher on the left or on the top? -> just enable or disable the Horizontal option
For Lineup Boxes it's similar:
Just send <<NCol(N) to a lineup Box and the items will be aligned horizontally instead of vertically (if the setting before was NCol(1))
You can imagine what comes next?
How do I get the Column Switcher below the graph or to the right?
What is the improvement you would like to see?
option 1)
For DisplayBoxes which can contain multiple sub-items, please provide an option Reverse 0/1 to specify if the items appear 1->N inside the report or in the reverse order.
option 2)
please provide a functionality to specify the precise order of the sub-items. Maybe even with the possibility to specify a different number M of items to display - for a Display Box with originally N available items. *)
<<order({x,y,z}) where the user can specify the number of the sub-item that should appear at position x, the item that should appear at position y and so on.
e.g. with the option order ({1,1,1}), the first sub-item of the Listbox should appear 3 times (making sense or not).
*) I think it's easier to be open here than to throw an error if M=N and if a specific item is listed multiple times.
Why is this idea important?
More flexibility when re-formatting a report window that already exists.
Giving more flexibility for the placement of e.g. Column Switcher menus.
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