What inspired this wish list request?
I tried Alt+clicking function from scripting index, so I could quickly get to specific category but immediately saw that it didn't work like.
What is the improvement you would like to see?
I would like like that scripting index would highlight/go to first category when I select item, from non-filtered list of items, which isn't All Functions.
If I have for example simple script like this
Names Default To Here(1);
and I would access the category in which Expr is, easiest option would be to open scripting index, write Expr to filter, select Expr from the filtered item list, select Expression from category and finally clear expr from filter.
How I would hope it would work, is that when I click Expr (from non filtered Item list) or alt+click from scripting index, I would immediately be brought to scripting index which has Expression category selected with my desired item also selected (Filter could also be filled, but that should be Preference).

Currently I will have All Categories selected and I will have to browse through to find next highlighted category.
Why is this idea important?
Makes using scripting index more intuitive and faster.