☐ cool new feature
☐ could help many users!
☐ removes a „bug“
☑ nice to have
☐ nobody needs it
If columns with type "character" are selected, the New Formula Column menu shows the submenu character.
Among other option, there is the function concatenate which concatenates the strings.
There are also 2 more functions. They concatenate with Space or comma.
My wish:
- A more general function "concatenate with string ...".
The idea: After selecting this function, a window pops up and asks the user to enter a string.
Then one can concatenate also with "_" or "-" or ...
Contrary to what I wrote in a previous version of this post, "concatenate" is also available if characters AND numbers are selected.
If numbers are selected as well, a char(number) is added automatically. Cool
Unfortunately, the character/concatenate function is missing if all the selected columns are numbers.
Could you please make the concatenate function available also for this variant?

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