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🙏 is in spec (value)

☐ cool new feature
☑ could help many users!

☐ removes something that feels like a „bug“

☐ nice to have

☐ nobody needs it



What inspired this wish list request? 

JMP provides many useful platforms and great functionality for exploratory data analysis.


But even after 18 versions of JMP - there is still some low-hanging fruit to be picked

- such as is in spec(value) 





What is the improvement you would like to see? 

For a column with Spec limits, please provide


  1. a JSL function
    is in spec(:value)

    which compares the value of the current row with the spec limits of the column and returns 1 if the value is in spec,
    missing, if the value is missing
    and 0 if the value is out of spec

  2.  a functions
    is out of spec(:value)

    which compares the value of the current row with the spec limits of the column and returns
    0 if the value is in spec
    missing, if the value is missing
    -1 if :value[] < LSL
    +1 if :value[] >USL


Both functions should be available via the right click "new formula column" menu.

Then users can easily generate new transform column on the fly in every platform - to group and add color to specific data points.


Why is this idea important? 

Is the value in spec is a question that is often asked. Right?
-> JMP users will love the new easy to use functions.



other wishes from hogi_2-1702196401638.png

Level XII

cool additional ideas: 

@jthi wrote:


  • "Select out of spec rows" (right click menu on column header)
  • and then we could have a << Get out of spec rows which could be send to a column which would return missing if spec limits aren't set and empty matrix if they are set but there are no such values.
  • Though, what would happen if we get the multiple spec limits which we have asked for for quite some time?

<< get out of spec rows :

Where(not(is in spec(:value)))
  • Though, what would happen if we get the multiple spec limits which we have asked for for quite some time?

    One of THE arguments for an official function
    ... with an additional argument to specify which spec is used for the calculation.
Level XII

maybe even some aggregation functions like:
- Col N in spec (:value, groupby)

- Col N out of spec (:value, groupby)

- Col N above USL (:value, groupby)

- Col N below LSL (:value, groupby)



.... and Tables/Summary, Tabulate and Graph builder Summary statistics ?

Hmm, maybe not ...
They can easily be broken down into

- Col Sum(is in spec(:value), groupby)

- ...

Level XII

by the way: grouping
Where they should be added: header statistics
(here one cannot use custom, broken down code)



Level XII



Level XII

the other issue we discussed yesterday.

This function will allow very cool custom transforms! 

Status changed to: Acknowledged

Marking this as acknowledged, as we understand the request and are following this thread.

Level XII


Level XII

The wish was mentioned / discussed in the last session of the Scripters Club:

Scripters Club Recordings: Tips and Tricks