Global data filters have the 3 options

There are also local data filters that can be directly attached to plots.

But such filters just have 2 options:
"show" and "include" - "select" is not available.
I just learned today on Discovery Summit :
the missing "select" is intentional (to keep it reserved to the program) - hm.
There are workarounds like opening another graph or distribution histogram to "select" the data points .
But the huge advantage of data filters compared to graphs is that the selection can be moved with arrow keys on the keyboard.
So, you just have to press 100x "down" in a data sheet to scroll to 100 subsets of a graph - instead of clicking on different entries 100x.
One can also set up a report and add a global data filter locally, like in Enhanced Sankey Plot (ESP) .
A cool trick - but dangerous for users who used the global data filter for their purposes.