☑ cool new feature
☑ could help many users!
☐ removes a „bug“
☐ nice to have
☐ nobody needs it
If a user changes the name of a column, references to the column in table scrips are (sometimes) automatically corrected, references in user scrips unfortunately not: Column() vs As Column() vs datable:column vs dt:As name("column")
So, column name changes are very dangerous: there is always the risk that a jsl code doesn't work anymore after the change - like illustrated in the example below.
JMP detects that a noc-existing column is requested and throws an error:

My wish:
Instead of throwing an error, JMP could open a window and provide a list of column names.
Then the user can select a replacement column.
There should also be a toggle box, allowing the user to decide if the JSL code should be automatically adjusted wit the new column name.
The new behaviour could be enabled/disabled in the preferences menu such that users which got used to error message still have the choice to get it.
dt = Open("$SAMPLE_DATA/Big Class.JMP");
Data Table( "Big Class" ):age << Set Name( "age_" );
s = dt << runScript("Distribution");
s = dt << runScript("Set Age Value Labels");
more wishes submitted by