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Support PFS / Preferences files in JMP Addins

In some addins I have written (currently using JMP 16.2) I am storing user preferences in a file inside the addin folder. 

On the other side there are these PFS files which JMP uses itself to store its settings and preferences. 


I think it would be a great idea to have some JSL commands to store preferences and settings in PFS files -  much alike the PFS files are used in e.g. JSL-Hamcrest. 


These addin-generated preference files should be persistent, so that an addin update does not remove the PFS file.


Example of an PFS file which e,g, JMP and JSL-Hamcrest does use:


Example Preferences(
GUI Location( "Bottom" ),
Use Markup( 1 ),
Show Embedded Log( 1 )

The PFS files store are as I have seen all data types as Strings, Numbers, List, Matrix, ...



The preference file should be loaded from the addin by its filename:


load preferences("<addin-path>\user-preferences.PFS")



To get a preference value we call a function to load the value (String, Number, List, Matrix,...)

get preference( "Use Markup" ) // => 1


For setting the preference value we call a function to set the value (String, Number, List, Matrix,...)

set preference( "Use Markup" ) = 0


After addin usage the preference file should be saved back:

save preferences("<addin-path>\user-preferences.PFS")


It would be helpful if you can add this fucntionality to the next JMP/JSL version.



Status changed to: Acknowledged

Hi @ThomasDickel, thank you for your suggestion! We have captured your request and will take it under consideration.

Status changed to: Investigating